Puerto Aventuras, Quintana Roo, 11th of October 2019.
Owners and Individuals Responsible of Offices and Commercial Establishments.
Dear Sirs / Ma´am :
PA COVENANT A.C. responsible for the Puerto Aventuras´ Access control, committed to guaranteeing the security of Owners, Residents, Employees and Visitors, has done the complete renovation of installations and the implementation of new Access systems, modernizing the technology, these systems are already in operation and include card readers of the pedestrian access for employees.
Starting November 1st the employee Access policies will be as follows:
- Employees that enter through the Pedestrian Access: it will be an imperative requirement to process for each one of your employees, the acquirement of an employee card by presenting the attached form with the required information and documents.
- Employees that enter with a vehicle shall process the acquirement of identification and Access card that will allow them to enter Puerto Aventuras through the automatic lane. The attached form must be presented with the required information and documents. It is important to mention that the number of vehicular cards for employees will be limited to the parking spaces designated for them within your property.
The process to acquire the cards will be in our office at the caseta in the Main Access from Monday to Friday between 15:00 and 18:00 Hrs. with a cost per card of $120.00 (One Hundred and Twenty Pesos 00/00) for employees with pedestrian access and $250.00 (Two Hundred Fifty Pesos 00/100) for employees with vehicular access.
We thank you for your cooperation.
Oscar A. Calderón Ruiz.
covenantpuertoaventuras@gmail.com pasaporte@puertoaventuras.com.mx