POST 116
Puerto Aventuras October 9th, 2020
Half full …
For all interested, a general “X Ray” of Puerto Aventuras would show that…
We survived a Pandemic better than most, healthy, safe, prosperous. We are now considered a model Resort, an attractive place to visit and the best to live in. A place on its final stage as a Real Estate development, but now aligning all efforts towards upgrading and modernizing our operation to become the ideal Community.
New ideas are being implemented for a better way of life:
- Passport as only official I.D. for access control and credential to multiple benefits within Resort.
- Concierge to make everyone’s life easier and enjoyable as well as providing the best experience to our visitors.
- Unified Operation to allow us the use of total infrastructure and attractions within the resort as if it were a large hotel at our service.
- PA TODAY, as instrument to communicate the facts on Puerto Aventuras.
- Connect, our link to Gignet as the most advanced technology to turn Puerto Aventuras into a Digital Community.
- Private Concession on water for personalized service planned to upgrade into highest quality Reverse Osmosis in the future.
- National Guard Post at South Marina for official Security presence and support when required by our own Private Security.

Half empty …
December 2020 will hopefully be the end of a transition during which our daily life was guided by four different entities with different ideas. (Municipality, Developer, Covenant, Colonos )
To reach a turning point toward unity and a common goal, we must first understand where Puerto Aventuras stands today.
Colonos will close 2020 with an accumulated debt on maintenance fees for $ 15 million pesos ($700,000 us) from 267 nonpaying members and increasing. Members having resigned to Colonos will have paid to Covenant $ 6 million pesos. ($290,000 us ). Both figures add to a deficit of $21 million pesos ($990,000 us) towards the original budget, which explains why Colonos no longer maintains our infrastructure and does not participate in the creation of new attractions.
PA Covenant collects fees for $250,000 pesosmonthly (increasing). It operates security and control at Main Gate, and manages PA Passport as official ID with a cost of $650,000 pesos, which leaves a monthly deficit of $400,000 pesos financed by the Developer.
Developer operates all basic services for our Resort, builds new attractions, develops entities for a better operation, handles Government relations and finances deficit from Covenant for operation of main Access.
Municipality takes care of garbage collection as only service in exchange of tax payment and is happy to delegate other responsibilities to the Association.
As number of affiliations and amount collected by PA Covenant increase, control of main access will be covered avoiding finance from Developer to later take over other areas of operation and maintenance towards unification of one single Association in charge.
Fees paid to PA Covenant are for the same amount as those to Colonos and the only requirement is a continuity of last payment to one followed by first payment to the other. Debts on fees by owners will be collected by differed payments when necessary. Our promotion to collect debt will be based on granting automatic admission and access as well as important discounts and benefits to those up to date on their payments.