POST 115
Puerto Aventuras October 7th 2020
Wednesday October 7 th
( Aftermath for Puerto Aventuras )
Protected bubble ? . . .
Yes, thank you !
Hurricane Delta weakened Tuesday afternoon to category 3 and made landfall at 5.30 am South of Puerto Morelos. The question in everyone’s mind is: where did all the catastrophic forecasts go?
As experts explain after the storm…. Hurricane Delta moved faster towards us pulled and sucked in by counterclockwise winds from Gama NW of Yucatan creating a very calm area between them where Playa and Puerto are located. North winds expected last night and later stronger NW winds did not happen. No surge, high tides or strong waves to take back the beaches brought by Gama. The SE winds we are experiencing this morning are the aftermath of a storm past.
Incredibly calm
between two Hurricanes !!!