POST 112
Puerto Aventuras October 5th 2020
All forecast for tropical storm Delta changed two hours ago, and urgent precautions need to be considered in Puerto Aventuras.
The path for the storm is going slightly north of Cancún including Puerto Aventuras within the first circle of high risk.
-The storm will turn into hurricane tomorrow Tuesday 2pm and continue its path northwest.
-When passing Cancún Wednesday 2am it is expected to be a hurricane category 3 with winds up to 110 m/hour
-Puerto Aventuras should began receiving strong winds Tuesday night from 10pm from the north changing to northwest with strongest winds at 2am Wednesday until 10 am the same day.
The possibilities for the storm changing direction tomorrow are low. Due to a system towards the north holding the storm down, if any changes in direction take place it would be towards the south which would mean inverting positions, coming more directly to Puerto Aventuras and including Cancun in the first circle.
We are in front of a serious situation beginning Tuesday night, so we only have the day of tomorrow to prepare and lock up for the night. If things go according to forecast the storm should pass fast (10 to 12 hours) and be gone by Wednesday noon.
Next important forecast will be tomorrow 11am and 3pm. Any important changes will be immediately informed.
Take all necessary precautions without delay tomorrow Tuesday.