POST 109
Puerto Aventuras October 2, 2020
Why an Association?
It is customary for a Developer to transfer infrastructure of completed sections and eventually of the whole Resort to the Municipality with obligation to maintain it in exchange for tax payment. The accelerated growth and need for new services in Playa del Carmen, left authorities incapable of providing Puerto Aventuras’ requirements. In order to fulfill the quality offered, Developer and Authority signed an agreement allowing Puerto Aventuras to remain independent from Municipality to be self-operated. This situation without precedent required the establishment of an Association represented by Owners and Residents to operate the Resort following preestablished Principles. This original formula was most efficient for over 28 becoming a model to be followed.
A couple of years ago, Colonos’ Board of Directors, attempted to take over the role of the Developer and disregarding our Principles turn our Resort in a different direction. Separation of Developer and Board of Directors was imminent and a new Association was formed to maintain our direction preserving our Principles. Developer and Colonos have not communicated for some time operating separately.
The new Association in coordination with the Developer controls security and access at our main gate, issues PA Passport as the only official ID, works directly with National Guard on security issues, operates all basic services (water, treatment, electricity, fiber optics), collaborates on the creation of new attractions and maintains of existing ones (Central Park, Marina, Golf, Beach Club), participates in the conservation of our beaches and management of Sargasso. PA Covenant A.C., as the Association goes hand in hand with the Developer in Government relations in recognition of Puerto as a model community.
Colonos while continuing to collect fees from owners, stopped maintaining our infrastructure, disregarded the attractions important to maintain our property values, looked the other way on conservation of our beaches limiting their activities to removing the brush, placing security on street-crossings and spending freely on litigations and media articles deteriorating the image and credibility of our Resort by attacking the figure of the Developer.

The existence of an Association is as indispensable as it is working hand in hand with the Developer for a common goal. Maintaining the quality level of Puerto in all areas is directly and proportionally related to the income collected from fees for that purpose. Payment of fees support our security and privacy while maintaining our property values.
The Association does not belong to their Board of Directors; it belongs and represents to the Community. Soon there will be one only Association administrating our Resort. This Association could be a continuation of Colonos under a new Board of Directors or Covenant under that same new Board.
During this period of transition, fees paid to either Association were ultimately fees in benefit of our Resort while fees not paid were against it. Owners in debt demerit the value of their properties as well as their neighbors’. Either Association continuing administration will confront a deficit operation since a number of Owners used division between Developer and Association as an excuse to stop paying their fees. The deficit today places any Association in jeopardy. The new Associations will not eliminate past unpaid obligations for respect to those who paid. The campaign to collect debt will be based on admission and discounts for services and enjoyment of infrastructure.