Life comes back to Puerto Aventuras as Business Owners prepare to re- open activities under established protocols hand in hand with our authorities. On Wednesday they attended a meeting with government officials to agree on the correct strategy to re-open our economy guarding our health. The purpose of the meeting was to determine the necessary permits to acquire, to define who among the many different officials visiting us is the assigned authority to handle this difficult situation and to define the pre-established protocols to follow.
Diputada Lili Campos (resident of Puerto Aventuras) as representative our community aware that officials today instead of acting as advisors and collaborators, they abuse their authority making re-opening impossible for Business. She will make sure that officials help owners in re- establishing the economy. Following she introduced the Director of COFEPRIS as the authority to work with us and offered being available herself to pave the road.
Lic. Miguel Pino Murillo Director of COFEPRIS, introduced himself as an ally who was here to help and answer questions. He explained in detail the forms to fill as well as the permits necessary to operate; went through the mandatory protocols and offered a list of authorized companies provide sanitation services. He took note of the businesses visited by officials and offered to freeze the procedure and set it back on track.
The Developer closed the meeting reminding all present of the importance to remain alert and comply with all established protocols to guarantee a safe and healthy community and destination in the near future.
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