I am sure we all agree that security within Puerto Aventuras begins with control of our Main Gate. We may also agree that more than a single control is no control. We all know that our personal Colonos identification card may be used by friends, guests, employees or whoever stole it from us. Those who deny acquiring their Passport are denying the possibility of control and a tight security.
Technology allows more efficient systems today and we have invested time, effort and money in the implementation of that more efficient system so necessary today. The system is being implemented and will only be fully operational when every one of us has a Passport and we have no leaks. We consider an accomplishment having issued 2,180 Passports, but still have a way to go. Any system may be criticized, but not allowing it to function in full capacity by not participating allows no right for criticism.
We have explained in Spanish and English the risks involved in becoming public, becoming insecure, allowing sale of our infrastructure and losing our privacy. Extending time in applying the necessary measures strengthens that risk.
The formula of Developer doing and Colonos administrating and working hand in hand still stands as long as both parties follow the same principles. As agreed in the past, control of access and caseta, Passport and identification system, security and other activities will depend on Colons when this happens.
The Grass Is Always Greener
On This Side Of The Fence
Those of us who consider Puerto Aventuras the paradise we chose to invest, spend our time of leisure or live, know that it was not granted for free. The concept of Puerto Aventuras was born different from other Resorts, the Master Plan included elements to induce a different community and establish controls to guarantee its continuity. There is much work done on a daily basis to prevent outside influences coming in our gates and non-desired investments taking over our services. A paradise is just as attractive to good intention people who look for enjoyment as well as bad intentioned people who seek fast personal profits by selling the virtues of our place.
Our Municipality is an important ally to enforce authority when required, but does not have the means to operate in the ways required for a concept like ours.
We all bought into a concept we identified with and liked as we found it. The concept has proven right and we will see our expectations full filled.
Every Right Implies A Responsibility;
Every Opportunity An Obligation
And Every Possession A Duty