Puerto Aventuras, Quintana Roo, 11th October 2019.
To Constructors or Those Responsible of Constructions in Puerto Aventuras:
Dear Sirs,
PA COVENANT A.C. responsible for the Puerto Aventuras´ Access control, committed to guaranteeing the security of Owners, Residents, Employees and Visitors, in their person as well as their assets.
Having as a primary objective the security of Puerto Aventuras, implementing in the Main Access the Policies and Procedures that aid in controlling and facilitating the entering of construction workers.
Starting November 1st it will be necessary that all construction workers wear the bracelets that will accredit them as registered workers to Access to their places of work within Puerto Aventuras.
The entering and exiting of workers will continue to be mandatory through vehicles.
The vehicles can be acquired at the caseta at the main Access for the price of $6.00 (SIX Pesos 00/00) EACH being valid for a week (the bracelets will have written on them the valid week number) in other words they will need to be renovated each Monday to be able to Access Puerto Aventuras.
The bracelets can be acquired on Thursdays and Fridays between 15:00 and 18:00 Hrs., for the process you must present a written request clearly specifying the location of the construction in process (Plano, Manzana y Lote), Owner´s name and the name of the Architect or Person responsible for the construction and the number of bracelets required.
In the case that a factura is required, please provide us with the information necessary for its elaboration.
We thank you for your cooperation.
Oscar A. Calderón Ruiz.
PA COVENANT, A.C. pasaporte@puertoaventuras.com.mx