POST 138
Puerto Aventuras November 27, 2020
How do the five principles of Puerto Aventuras apply in our daily lives?
- Autonomy represents independence from Municipal authority to be self-operated.
- It allows us to have better services since Municipal budget is consumed by the fast growth of Playa as first priority.
- It allows us to operate as a gated community private and self-controlled.
- Outside negative influences such as abuse from authorities, extortion to private business and drug traffic may be kept outside our premises.
- We may always count on support from authorities on security matters when we ask for it.
- Integrity PA was designed as a unit so that as a whole or by sections will operate for the benefit and enjoyment of its residents.
- Destination and Community values are enhanced when everything operates under the same objectives.
- In special times unity gives us a stronger position towards outside influences as well as inside balance.
- Security A Residential Community surrounded by high traffic touristic destinations must operate under their own different security measures.
- Counting on our own security is more effective to our personal and common needs.
- Personal and immediate attention is important to security matters in daily life.
- Private security may be friendly and effective in daily life and counts on the support of Municipal authorities when required.
- Privacy The Riviera Maya and Cancún have 90,000 hotel rooms, a population over 1,300,000 inhabitants and a constant traffic of 95,000 tourist visiting the area. Public beaches were not planned in proportion to those numbers and most resorts close their doors to outside traffic. Far from becoming the public beach of the area, Puerto Aventuras cannot be the exception.
- Our infrastructure is mostly for the enjoyment of our Owners and Residents.
- Rules and Regulations in a Resort where you can do as you please, so can your neighbor.
- Regulations promote harmony and prevents chaos. It also allows nature to remain on the ¨front row¨.
What were the requirements to select the members proposed for the new Board?
- Experience to understand the process of our Resort and time to participate in the process.
- Being Owner of property within the Resort.
- Committed to serving for the common wellbeing above personal. This translates to not using their position for bending rules for their personal benefit.
- Preferably not looking for protaginism or personal gains by accepting a position in the Board.