POST 130
Puerto Aventuras November 9th, 2020
Living in Puerto
Is worth what you pay for.

For those interested in forming your own opinion.
Puerto Aventuras operates independent from Municipalitywhich implies a duplicity as we pay taxes and take care of our own services. On the other hand, being self-operated presents advantages in quality and costs compared to other Resorts in the area.

Our fees are significantly lower since they apply basically to administration and maintenance. Costs on operation of services is handled independently. Clubs and Activity Centers include free Membership to Residents.

We are concessionaries to self- operate water and treatment to our Resort. Total investment on wells and distribution lines as well as fees to government for volumes extracted and injected underground have to be covered by a healthy operation. A major investment requires minimum consumption …. low volumes cost more per unit than higher volumes in benefit of the average population.
NOTE: Detail on components of water fees are available upon request.

We found convenient for this sophisticated and highly demanded service to offer different options to users according to their budget and needs. Counting on Telmex as the larger national net, we decided to invite GigNet as the private enterprise who would offer personalized attention from and for Puerto Aventuras.
Digital service will include Identification and security protocols in addition to the ordinary comforts of telephone, television and internet.

Proven as the safest harbor in the Mexican Caribbean based on an inland manmade infrastructure, located in the heart of the Riviera Maya. No explanation required on costs of slips nor necessary clarification on costs per pax being less than 5% of package price per tourist.