POST 141
Puerto Aventurasl December 2nd 2020

COVENANT Annual Assembly taking place on Monday December 14th will be a turning point for the future administration of Puerto Aventuras beginning January 2021. Owners who believed in our concept and invested in Puerto Aventuras are our main consideration and we will do our best to present the most complete information on the state of our Resort today keeping in mind our Community’s expectations.
Aware that due to Covid protocols many of you will prefer to stay at home, we have prepared a direct connection by Zoom so that you may be virtually present throughout the Assembly. You may request to be sent a link invitation to join any time before the event. Video and Audio will show speakers as well as general attendance and presentations on screen.
For those who may be present with us, the event will take place in the new Salon totally open to the seafront and with enough space to maintain social distance protocols.
Note: To request invitation link please send an email to