We Have A Problem !
Sargassum is here and apparently will get worse. We are participating with authorities at higher levels aware that a solution will take longer than required, and in the meantime we have to solve our particular situation for Puerto Aventuras ourselves.
We hired experts to do the necessary studies, solution designs, final project and budget cost to prevent sargassum from coming into Puerto Aventuras. Solution requires the participation of all Puerto Aventuras as a community. We presented the project to Colonos inviting them to inform and coordinate the community in coming together for this solution, since they are paid fees to protect our interests. Colonos declined participating (read answer below).
¨by recommendation of our lawyers, Colonos will not participate directly in something related to sargassum, we are not authority and these are very complicated federal topics, we will join in helping with some committee that has legal and ecological experience to deal with this topic. ¨
Alberto Rivera Argüelles
Colonos President

It is Time to Apply Our Energy and Capacity
in Something Constructive
Puerto Aventuras is participating at different government levels with a practical immediate solution and convincing authorities to promote at higher international levels a definite solution at the different locations of origin. A summary of our proposal is as follows:
1.- The origin, cause and solution to sargassum is of international dimension and should be approached at superior levels.
2.- The places that foment it are not affected by it, while places like our Caribbean is its receptor and is gravely affected by it.
3.-The solution to eliminate it from its root, process it, pick it up and transport it, it is a momentary solution that would have to be a permanent and continuous process without end.
4.-Partial solutions, seen as momentary would have to be backed up by perpetual budgets.
5.- The problems´ dimension is far above our means to resolve in an effective manner. We have a ¨small shovel¨ to move tons.
6.- The idea of picking up most of it before it arrives mainland, compacting, transporting, depositing and transforming it… with additional pick up of what escaped and made it to the coast is of high cost, effort and diverse range of actions in order to be effective and lasting.
A solution that fixes the problem of what has already deposited is not a good option.
Why pick up the trash that others produce and try and transform it only increasing costs?
7.- The idea that ¨each clean their own doorstep¨ sounds like a desperate measure with high risk of making a mistake affecting immediate neighbors and the ecosystem improvising particular actions without general order.
8.- Sargassum floats and is moved by the current parallel to the coast. The southeast and northeast winds, as well as the change in increasing tides, push it and deposit it over the coast and our beaches.
Sargassum is manageable and allows for its easy direction while it’s floating.
The solution is to redirect it to go back to the coastal current and keep passing without depositing in our beaches.
9.- SEMARNAT is in charge of taking to International forums the regulations and agreements to avoid the formation and proliferation of sargassum. (Activity that will take more time than the destination would have to survive the problem).
10.- Binomial of Government and Private Initiative implement a solution to divert the sargassum that will continue its trajectory with the coastal current avoiding our coasts. (This action will be implemented for the necessary time until a solution to the root problem is reached).
11.- We have developed a design of floating modular barriers with tubes, membranes, structures and sliding panels adaptable for each case and area.
The barriers are fixed to the bottom of the sea through cables that allow its sliding angle to be modified and easily liberated to be removed and stored in marina or beach.
The principle being that the barriers slide and redirect without having to pick up nor contain.
The angle of redirection produced by a barrier is aided by the next and so forth until the sargassum is back on its trajectory in the current.