May 13th 2020
Being able to live through this unprecedented situation in peace and feeling secure is a privilege that should not be taken for granted. We have many reasons to thank our neighbors for respecting safety measures. It has been almost two months since restrictions to our freedom began forcing us to put up with the hardships of social distancing, situation that will continue requiring our united participation until collective immunity is achieved. Lucky for us, a filter at our main gate allows control of our population through selective access to outsiders and large open spaces just past our front door are there for us to enjoy.
Previous experiences in other countries determined Protocols that we adapted to our very unique conditions in order to control the virus, guarantee our security and maintain our way of life while crossing the storm and preparing for a reopening. The following are some of the activities that took place to make this possible:
– Directives of Puerto and Coparmex met with Security Secretary Alberto Capella to implement our Protocol.
– Puerto provided spaces for headquarters of the National Guard and Marines within the resort in order to have them close.
– Weekly meetings have taken place with Captain C. Serrano to adjust maritime and marina Protocols.
– New controls at our main gate were implemented in accordance to our Regulations.
– Directives of Puerto and Coparmex are working with Health Director Dr. Hector Gonzalez to prevent Pandemic.
– We signed agreement with our Governor Carlos Joaquin to maintain salaries and jobs.
– Directives of Puerto work with Director of Commerce Amanda Benitez to coordinate lockdown and prepare for reopening.
– Our Beach Club has remained open to offer a live Center and place of relaxation to our Community.
– Coordinated with Mayor Laura Beristain, and Monica Bargas C. essential food packages are provided to the Poblado across the highway.
– Coparmex through Marc Pujol, our school through Gabbi Koselj and different members of our community have also cared for our working population.
The challenge will extend in time as official information shows us at the peak from today on to May 20th and then three more weeks of lockdown to a partial reopening of activities on June 1st.
Grass is greener on our side of the fence.
Román Rivera Torres